Top 10 Suspicious Elections In Recent History

Throughout civilized history there have been many nefarious or fraudulent elections worldwide where highly irregular voting tactics were used to rig or appear to rig an outcome. This article looks at 10 fraudulent vote studies and reflects on the 2016 and 2020 US Election.

10. Liberia

In 1927, the incumbent President Charles D.B King won the election with a massive landslide victory of 234000 votes to 9000 for the other guy. This sounds like a great victory, and King must have had a very successful campaign. The trouble is that there were only about 15,000 eligible voters. Woops!  The Guinness Book of World Records has this election as the most fraudulent in history.

 9. Italy

The Italian general election of 2008 posed some unusual and suspicious activities that led to suspicion of fraud that was never solidified. The race was between the incumbent President Silvio Berlusconi of the House of Freedoms, and the previous President of the European Commission Romano Prodi. One of the big controversies revolved around changes in the electoral system to a more proportional representation style system that also awarded the winner a bonus of extra seats. Initial polls suggested that Berlusconi would win under this new system as his coalition had more larger percentage groups that would have more than 4% of the national votes each. In the end Prodi actually won with the new system with very narrow margins leading to claims of vote counting decrepancies. Despite the investigations the last ruling of the supreme court was that Prodi won by 24,755 votes.

 8. Zimbabwe

In the Zimbabwean election of 2008 the Zimbabwean President was a man by the name of Robert Mugabe. A past president of the party called Zanu-PF. The electorate voted for Robert Mugabe. However, there was a major problem with the voting system. The voters names were not printed on the ballot. Most Zimbabwean voters have a name which is similar to their fathers. So in order to vote for President Mugabe you would have had to write his surname on the ballot paper. This was not considered to be acceptable by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). So the ZEC altered the voting system. The voters had to write their full name on the ballot. This was a major problem because some of the voters had not had the opportunity to have their name changed. There were also 3 million extra ballots printed and voter rolls were basically just an assembly of people who once lived in Zimbabwe from the 1900s to 2008.

 7. Dominican Republic

In the Dominican Republic in the 2012 Danilo Medina appears to have won the presidential election, but it was contested that there had been vote buying and other forms of fraud. There were widespread reports of people being offered $15 for their vote. The Organization of American States observed and confirmed incidents of vote-buying but not enough to affect the overall results of what was otherwise a “successful,” election.

 6. Pakistan

One of the most shocking elections in recent times was the 2013 general election in Pakistan where the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) party, led by Nawaz Sharif, was declared the winner. However, three years after the election, the Pakistani Supreme Court disqualified Sharif from the Prime Minister’s Office, on corruption charges, in light of Sharif’s controversial purchase of eight off-shore companies and high-end London apartments. A coalition led by Imran Khan, leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, picked up the post of prime minister in the weeks following the dismissal.

5. Russia

In 1996 Russia had its first Presidential election as the new sovereign nation of Russia rather than the Soviet Union which collapsed in 1991. Boris Yeltsin end up pulling out the victory after a tied vote led to a run-off vote.  Though the election was deemed fair overall, there were concerns of US interference as Bill Clinton’s administration had secured a loan for Russia from the IMF.  US President Bill Clinton favored Boris Yeltsin, and there were conversations noted in which Clinton declared his personal endorsement of Yeltsin. There was also media bias in favor of Yeltsin which often criticized his opponent.

4. United Kingdom

The UK election in 2005 was fraught with suspicious activities. The main issue was with mail in ballots. There was a dramatic rise in postal votes over the previous election in 2001. Increases of 500% were reported.  The Labour Party led by Tony Blair ended up winning the election.  One of the issues reported was discovered by 4 policeman that raided a Birmingham warehouse and found several men with pile of ballots sitting at a table. They were filling out blank ballots Three of them were Labour party candidates.

A four week hearing led to the judge identifying 15 types of fraud. Thousands of votes in favor of the Labour Party where the signature of the “voter” differed from the application for a postal vote, and the wholesale theft of ballot papers.

3. Mexico

The 2006 Mexican general election was riddle with controversy and ended in a very narrow victory in which the loser did not concede defeat. A political crisis ensued with protests breaking out all over the country.  López Obrador’s supporters called for a complete recount of the votes, this was rejected by the Federal Election Tribunal, which only authorized a recount in less than 10% of the polling stations, the results were deemed to not be enough of a change to overthrow the results.


2. Cuba

Cuba has been a country in revolution and various stages of dictatorship communism for decades. Back in 1952 previous president Fulgencio Batista who ruled democratically from 1940 to 1944, ran again to become the leader of Cuba. However, he was losing so he formed a militant bloodless coup and took over the government. While in the military he had previously led the military defeat of the dictator at that time, Machado, back in 1933. Now Batista was seizing the reigns for himself. A young lawyer by the name of Fidel Castro soon became an activist and revolutionary who eventually defeated Batista and took over in January 1959. He soon switched to a communist dictatorship, did away with elections, and developed ties with the Soviet Union much to the shagrin of the US who had supported him.

1. Venezuela

In 2004, there was a recall election to attempt to oust the socialist regime led by Hugo Chavez. It started when a group tired of corrupt government began a signature campaign for a recall vote and received more than 3 million signatures in a single day. This infuriated Chavez who shutdown the recall requiring many more criteria for a legitimate recall. The opposition went to work and met all the conditions with a second signature campaign, and a recall vote had to be held. Chavez purchased new voting systems using Smartmatic technology through the Dominion company. Chavez worked it out so that nearly 100% of counting was done via the machines with only a 1% hand count. The machines printed out a ballot receipt and were connected to the internet supposedly only one direction to send tally totals to the central computer. Exit polls indicated that there was a 56 to 58% vote to Recall Chavez. On election day, the machine results were the opposite with 58% in favor of Chavez.  It was later discovered that the transmission logs of the telecommunications company CANTV showed the machines were communicating 2 ways before the ballot copies were printed. Needless to say, Chavez won, and the paper ballot copies managed to be destroyed. The machines continued to be used from 2004 to 2017.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

2016 US Election

The run for the 45th US president ended in a huge upset for Hillary Clinton when Donald J Trump won a surprising victory for the Republican Party. Immediately the Democrats began accusing of election fraud and suggestion of foreign Russian interference. There was a long FBI and US Intelligence investigation that concluded that Russian interference had occurred via social media influence campaigns primarily, but that there were no conclusive ties to the winner Donald J. Trump colluding on it. Further investigations into voter machine security led to some startling conclusion as documented in documentaries like “Kill Chain” an HBO special with Harry Hirsti who invited hackers to try and hack machines that were going to be used in the 2020 election. They were able to get in and manipulate votes with surprising speed.
Though the election was certified for the Republican, Trump. The Left continued denouncing the election as illegitimate calling it rigged and proclaiming “Not My President” on social media and TV shows wherever and whenever they could. Trump labelled the main stream media as “Fake News” and the mainstream media worked with the dems to undercut the legitimacy of the Presidency for 4 years. The Dems Impeached him 2 times in the house, but he was acquitted both times.

The 2020 US Election

The 2020 US Presidential election is not a simple matter as it occurred during a worldwide pandemic. People all over the world have reported that it was the most suspicious and irregular US election they have ever seen both in how the votes were cast, laws that were changed, media bans that directly impacted results covering certain topics that would have harmed one of the candidates, and social media influence. Indeed the social media big tech later completely banned the sitting US President shortly after the election for questioning the election results. There were also the very strange instances where nearly 100% of registered
voters appeared to have cast votes (normal numbers are in the 60 -75% range) and both candidates received the highest number of votes ever over any predecessors in history.

Other odd occurrences also happened where large vote dumps came in late at night after counting had been stopped in several “swing” states where the election numbers were close and the majority of those vote dumps favored the democratic party. There were even visible vote switches where numbers reported on mainstream media outlets would suddenly shift and be credited to the eventual winning candidate Joe Biden.

Following the November vote count thousands of sworn affidavits were filed by individuals involved in the election process across multiple states, and since then many more thousands
were filed by others that want full forensic audits to occur. (example in Michigan there were over 7000 filed with the Michigan Conservation Coalition.)

Of the 100s of court cases asking for investigations into election fraud, most were dismissed on merit/standing or latches which unfortunately did not allow most of the evidence to be heard. The large Supreme Court case brought by the state of Texas and joined by many others was also shut down by the Supreme Court who opted not to hear it on standing.

Some say that the protest on Jan 6, 2021 that turned into a somewhat violent riot and breach of the Capitol building was a result of the frustration in the process. Trump supporters simply did not feel heard. The clear fraud, in their eyes, was not being allowed to stand trial. However, for the most part of the 100,000+ people gathered there that day, they had no ill intent to interfere with the government works, only to ask that the final electoral process allow for some investigation.

The election was ultimately sealed for Joe Biden on January 21 after another attempt to fully impeach former President Trump in regards to the January 6th “insurrection” as the Liberals voices and media had labelled it. Congress voted to impeach but the Senate acquitted him.

Though Joe Biden is the official 46th President of the USA, the investigations continue as the demands for full forensic audits continue to mount in many states.  Further mathematical investigations like that of Dr. Parker have shown a huge shift in election numbers that he believes could only happen via a controlled plan or algroithm. Captain Seth Keshel also released a damning report on probabilities which is being contented by fact checkers on the left. 

Many eyes are on the Maricopa County Arizona though audit that is very different than the sampling audits that were performed in other states. This is considered to be a full forensic
audit looking at all ballots and voting machines in the county. It is vastly under reported likely due to the bans on all social platforms and the threats by the sitting government to crack down on those who question the 2020 election. These heavy handed censorship tactics have been further pushing the controversy. 

We will update this page with new information as it comes out.

Joe Biden And Donald Trump